you can still move around when in crouch. allows you to crouch when press and holding the specified key. the blitz (forcus flash in the alternate world) charge time would be shorten by the specified multiplier. you'd run out of stamina in a second with the game's default setting. doesn't work on possessed human or scripted event (health may be reset on every attack). x? default: x2, can be changed via the entry. damage the ghosts suffered would be multiplied by the specified multiplier. raise the min health to 100 (game's default max health at the game start) if you don't want the screen to turn grey at all. health still drop but you won't be killed. to check, open the memory view, if the header says "Symbols are being loaded (xx%)", just wait til it's gone (showing "100%" won't do, must wait til this loading text are gone). Scripts can be activated after the symbols are loaded. Scripts can be activated AFTER a level is loaded. game is quite buggy, may add more later after some game patches.? added damage multiplier, cam offsets mod, and raised vertical angle limit. also changed the hot-keys set up for the third person camera a bit.

updated cam offsets mod, changed a register to avoid unintentional camera glitch. just lowered the default multiplier from x100 to x2. also added CE's hot-key to allows in-game activate/de-activate. updated cam offsets mod, fixed a potential crash if de-activated. updated damage multiplier, no longer need to activate undead first for this to work. added blitz charge multiplier and crouch key.